What is the membership programme?
Weekly Live Classes with Ush in the mornings for clients who have done the 1-2-1 Online Coaching or one of the Group Coaching Programmes – Tone From Home, Stronger For Longer or Legs, Bums and Tums.
When do we start?
12th July, 2021.
How many classes will I get per week?
4 Live workouts per week
All programmed by Ush focussing on Fat Loss and Muscle Gain
The programme will get updated monthly to ensure progressive overload.
What time are the classes?
Monday and Friday at 8:30am
Tuesday and Thursday at 7am
Can I do these classes On Demand if I can’t make the lives?
Yes, all classes will be recorded and then uploaded into the FB Group Only (Under Files)
What is progressive overload?
A way to push your body out of it's comfort zone would be the easiest way to explain it, but actually it’s a way for you to progress, as eventually your muscles and body get used to the same weight, the same programming and the same reps. So we will push you through increasing weights, increasing reps, slowing reps down (time under tension), taking shorter breaks adding in a tiny bit of HiiT and more
Will I need to do anything else if I’m on the monthly programme?
Yes, you will need to ensure you’re in a calorie deficit if you want to lose fat, calorie surplus if you want to gain muscle or maintaining your calories if you’re happy with where you are and just want to lean out a bit.
I would also suggest you keep active, whether it’s walking each day, playing in the park with your kids or simply doing the vacuuming – Activity and Consistency with your activity/diet out side of class are also key!
What if I haven’t done the 1-2-1 or the Group Coaching programmes and want to join?
There are 2 options:
1. You can talk to Ush, she will want to understand your level of fitness and use of weights and see how good your form is. If she thinks you would be fine on this monthly programme she will let you know.
2. You can do the next, 6 week Group Coaching Programme which starts after the summer in October 2021. This ensures you have the foundations and the education and also that Ush knows that you have good form to join in the classes. Once you have done this you will be able to join the monthly immediately.
What else is included?
All of Ush’s Education Videos if you need to review them
A Facebook Group For Accountability and Support
2 x Chai and Chat Q&A’s each month
On Demand Workouts in the FB Group (should you want to do more)
On Demand Stretch Classes in the FB Group
Access to Ush in the FB Group Only
How do I sign up?
Contact Ush directly and she’ll get you into the programme.